it's different
i can understand why you guys think it's mind-blowing
but it doesn't go under my "OMFG!!! HEADKILLING SPAZZ!!!" category
there you have it. it's different. a short list of things she has said are "different": sleater-kinney, social distortion, silverchair. [sorry about all the ss. they were the best examples I could think of.] so basically when the singer's voice isn't PERFECT by her standards it goes into the "different" category and is shunned and shamed in the future. and by her standards, perfect means sweet and/or auto-tuned [for a girl] or HGRRRRR-y like nirvana [for a guy]. I don't know why we even fucking try anymore.
okay. I just needed to rant there. one of my family friends once told me "mode people are very serious about their mode". she is correct. [though, unlike others, I do think calling them day-pesh commode is pretty funny.] I actually have to call said family friend soon so I'll make this next bit as short as possible.
at my job today someone bought three bags of leafy green shit and ten entire frozen chickens. when he got to the end of the register he looked at me and said "don't ask". right, um, wasn't planning on it.
that god-awful "fireflies" song came on today and I could perfectly hear it. I would have been really mad at my misfortune had a lady not told me about ten seconds later that the toilet paper I was holding could "get laid right there". then I had to try not to laugh. people are great.