

WHAT THE HELL, GUYS? are you all serious? I am so not used to everyone speaking to each other in a friendly manner and nothing being on fire... christ, what is this?

last night mary called me to inform me that one of our many transfer students felt Left Out. mary knows her from middle school or something so she sits at our table, when really--she watches jersey shore and listens to the jonas brothers--she should be at a pvg table. she knows nothing of mary's shane-affair, which I find interesting. I mean, the whole school knows about it. there are like 180 people, it's not that hard to spread rumors. or facts, as the case is.

anyway I'm going to call said transfer student britney! after britney spears! [and also my annoying neighbor who thinks she can sing.] damn, I wish I could've called her mary, but my logic for calling mary mary was too good. [damn, I'll shut up.] in any case we had britney move to the middle of the lunch table so she was in the middle of all the conversations. it didn't really work, but at one point mary remarked "this is just like it was at the beginning of freshman year!" and right there I saw ava's eyes light up like she'd just gotten a bb gun on christmas. yeah yeah, dream on.

speaking of ava, I was thinking about giving her a short piece of my non-blog-related writing. before this week I hadn't given any of my writing to anyone, but then I gave c a bit of my nanowrimo piece and a short based on this song. ah... well, if it happens, she'll probably trash whatever it is anyway. I have to be careful.

OKAY THAT WAS A RAMBLE. sorry. here are some quick facts:

I'm hosting a sleepover next saturday. expect posting.

emma absences: 2
shane absences: 1

your move.



the drama-free days continue. today at lunch we all got along like a normal table. it was really, really weird.

as such I have nothing much to write a post about.

days shane has missed: 1. days emma has missed: 0. again... WEIRD.


everyday life #2

a bit of trivia for you- ava has not had a sharefest about Her Feelings for 72 hours now!

today was actually quite drama-free. I'm starting to think it's like the calm before the storm or something. and now I am quite worried. potential drama here we come!

shane continues to do what she's always done with her schoolwork, with a bit of alteration: she's getting it done, but makes sure we all hear her sarcastic comments about it. the only difference between this year and last year is now she's actually passing it in on time.

emma has come into school for four straight days! come on, let's keep this streak alive!

allegedly mary talked to jean last night. jean is mentioned on the cast page but I've never put her in a post... fail. in short, jean and alice came to the academy in freshman year and then alice had to leave and so now they go to school together somewhere else. anyway, mary reports that jean is "tired" [it was probably right before she went to bed] and is apparently also engaged. she's sixteen. whaaaaaat

who will snap first? inquiring minds want to know.


she's gonna kill me

A (9:52:40 PM): how long will this newspaper be per issue?
C (9:52:46 PM): I don't know yet
A (9:53:19 PM): is that something for the whole newspaper to decide on
A (9:53:21 PM): ?
C (9:53:32 PM): uh, no, it's more something that happens...?

C (9:53:58 PM): is she trying to SET A PAGE LENGTH?
L (9:54:06 PM): YES, SHE IS.

you have got to be kidding