
I forgot a title, excuuuuuuse me

apologies for that lack of posting. I did get my schedule! and I did stand in the academy's humid and absolutely packed "library" for an hour and a half in hopes of actually buying my textbooks!

my schedule is made out of happiness and suicidal ideation in equal parts. I have five [possibly 6, I'll let her elaborate on that if she chooses to] classes with c, and my theology teacher is indeed the guitar-playing nun instead of mrs. babiez. praise god.

on the other hand, I looked through some of the books we'll be reading. namely the theology ones. they all look super classy. of course, one trashes the hippies [we have at least one book every year like that] and one is entirely about the mystery of femininity and how We Have The Power over guys, yet our only purpose in life is to have babiez and more babiez. uuuugh I don't like learning this for a grade.

while traipsing around the building I noticed that sometime when I wasn't looking they put even more decals around. pretty soon this place is going to be famous for all the shit they've plastered on their walls. we have a huge bust of some saint sticking out of the wall quite precariously OVER a staircase, as well as "inspirational" quotes painted or iron-on-transferred onto the walls. sure, we have some from the founder of the school and the obligatory eleanor roosevelt wisdom and bible passages, but one is from shrek, and one is a badly reworded kurt cobain quote with no attribution. that's right girlies, shrek is the path to jesus, but grunge will make you shoot yourself.

shane isn't in any of my classes. ava is in two, I think. I haven't heard from anyone else.

I say this year will be excellent.

today one of the librarians told me I should write a blog. I so wanted to laugh at that, but instead I smiled and nodded. I'll let her wonder...

edit: OH MY GOD, did I ever mention that shane is magically coming back to the academy anyway? if I did, well, I'm an idiot but forgive me because it's late.

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