
robert smith, like excel, is also my friend

I have to go to bed early tonight, as per order of My Mother. this is because of my real job, which would be bagging people's groceries. I know it has nothing to do with the subject of this blog but this is MY blog.

so I would just like to say that hyperactive me is used to going to bed at 1 AM! and since my mother has been trying to cut that down to 10 pm the past few days with no in-between, terrible shit is happening! I already explained to c what happened last night. I will post that full story, with pictures from my piece-o-fuck camera, tomorrow.

basically what happens is I say "fuck you" to everything around me and listen to the cure. then it's 11:30, and I'm screwed. 11:30 for me is a magical threshold. my brain just goes into reverse at 11:30. but... tomorrow.

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