
won't you believe it it's just my luck

alert the media--I've started school. another full year of dubious academy fun is underway. yesterday I stole a giant box that once held cigarettes [or so the side says] from the school, which should give you an idea of EXACTLY how great it was. in addition to that, my theology teacher said the word "abortion" six times within a minute and a half. and I like my schedule a lot. I have a big locker, as opposed to c's, which is narrow and unable to comfortably fit all her books. so yes, for me, the first day was great.

for everyone else at the table? not so much.

mary seems to, for once, be happy about where she is. she's in a lot of honors classes this year [with me], so she's moving up, and I really hope she can get through that. I have faith in her though, or some other cliched bullshit like that.

emma is no longer out of commission! this is exciting news. she has various "ailments" which cause her to stay out of school for weeks at a time, which is probably bad news. I don't even know what it is with her. but she hasn't missed a day yet [2 for 2] this year, and is annoyingly trying to worm her way into every conversation going on at the table, whether it involves her or not.

shane has somehow obtained wal-mart-style folders and notebooks all with jesus fish and bible passages plastered all over them. she swears it was her grandmother. they were passed around the lunch table and appropriately graffitied. which... brings... us... to...

ava is upset that shane isn't "concerned about anyone's school year but her own". good, I say. we wouldn't want her failing out. jesus. but anyway, ava is also mad that c's and my schedules coincide so much. I think she thinks we somehow did it on purpose because we hate her. not true. her passive-aggressive comments continue on and on and on and oh my god I just want them to STOP. if she would just cut out the "you hate me, I know you hate me, I will spanish inquisition you until you slip up", she would be a NICE PERSON. honestly. as my dad would say, MOTHER OF GOD.

oh, and her latest youtube discovery is breakdancing. I'm not sure if being sent videos of street performers in new york or jesus metal is worse.

as a whole, today at lunch the table spent far too much time discussing how much they want to go to college. oh lord, college does not solve all your problems. but we can discuss that in a later post. [ava did something supremely ranttastic last night. it needs a post all its own.]

c has said her farewells to blogging for the year. but holy hell I am just getting started here. I will keep drama updates posted. [I've got something great about a certain school newspaper. heh heh heh.]


  1. I do not envy your task now that school has started... between the Rantfest that is last night and the Newspaper you already have two posts you need to write.

    Also, I approve highly of your new icon. Jumping someone else's train?

    My captcha was wrist. I do not think it has ever been an actual word before.

  2. 1) excuse me comrade, at least I have a constant stream of related material, unlike your blog, which seems to be equal parts flickr and youtube. with a dash of rant every so often. [I am not being passive aggressive, you know I love your blog.]

    2) I'm going to write the newspaper post now while you are playing yr guitar, expect it soon.

    3) it is indeed the cure. I have two versions of that, one with black text and one with white text. the white is less legible; I don't know why I used it.

    4) WRIST??? hahhaa, I don't have to do a captcha. I has adminpower.
